The airport claims that average noise contours would be likely to fall compared to 2019 levels but this relies on uncertain fleet replacement assumptions.
The noise impacts of Gatwick’s proposed growth are inconsistent with government policy. They do not share the benefits of growth between the aviation industry and local communities or ensure that noise is reduced and mitigated as capacity grows. Instead the benefits of growth would accrue wholly to the airport and the wider aviation industry through greater capacity. Communities would suffer substantially increased noise impacts.
Gatwick focuses on average noise metrics that do not properly represent the impact of aircraft noise on people. By using average noise contours it seeks to claim that minor reductions in noise per aircraft (which would generally be inaudible to humans) would outweigh a 35% increase in flight numbers.
The airport’s focus on average noise contours is misleading. It should focus on noise event frequency at all levels of noise that affect people.
The airport is proposing a “noise envelope” which would limit its 51dB noise contour to 146.7km2 in 2032 and 125.7km2 by 2038. The 51dB noise contour covered 136 km2 in 2019.
The proposed noise envelope uses inappropriate metrics and is wholly one-sided.
There are no proposals to limit or manage noise outside the 51dB contour.
The Noise Envelope consultation has now been completed and shown here is the GAL Noise Envelope Group Final Paper together with are the majority of Community groups joint response to the paper and also details of the presentations GACC made in conjunction with the majority of Community groups at each of the Noise Envelope sessions.
GACC Campaign Office
2 Glovers Gate, Glovers Road, Charlwood, Surrey. RH6 0EP
Telephone: 01293 862821
© Copyright Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign