GACC public letters
and documents

Night Noise Consultation May 2024

Night Noise Consultation May 2024.PDF

Adequacy of GAL’s engagement on Northern Runway Proposals DCO 

Joint Leaders AoC Letter.PDF

Letter from MP'sto Stewart Wingate

Gatwick MP's GAL.PDF

GACC is challenging the quality of Gatwick’s consultation

GACC AoC Gatwick.PDF

ANCF Overarching Noise Letter

ANCF Overarching Noise Letter.PDF

Gatwick Airport FASI South Airspace Change Proposal

 Gatwick Comprehensive List of Options Feedback Form

Airspace Moderisation
Adequacy of Public Consultation
Air Passenger Duty Consultation
Gatwick Main Runway expansion - lack of scrutiny
Request for a Moratorium on Airport Expansion
Letter to the Government from members of the Gatwick Coordination group of MPs’
Letter to Robert Courts re GATCOM
ICCAN survey on the future of aviation noise management
Letter to GATCOM July 2020

Letter to GATCOM July 2020.pdf



GACC Campaign Office
2 Glovers Gate, Glovers Road, Charlwood, Surrey.  RH6 0EP
Telephone:  01293 862821

© Copyright Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign