Edolphs Copse 2003
Ifield November 2014
2013 to 2018 - Led the campaign against a second runway.
2003 onwards - played a leading role in the AirportWatch campaign against airport expansion. Helped persuade Conservative and Lib Dem Parties to rule out new runways.
2003 - GACC campaign Say No Way Gatwick Runway influenced Government decision to rule out new runways at Gatwick (unless Heathrow runway proved impracticable).
2002 - GACC lobbying (especially our booklet ‘We Trust in the Law) persuaded the Government to drop plan for one or two new runways. But this was overturned by judicial review.
1999 - played a leading role in drawing up new legal agreement to protect the environment.
1995 - defeated Government plan for new runway north of the airport.
1985-95 - successfully pressed for new noise and track-keeping equipment, with penalties on excessive noise.
1985 - defeated Gatwick to Heathrow helicopter service.
1980 - obtained safeguards, including massive earth bunds, as a condition for construction of North Terminal. Defeated proposal for large new maintenance area.
1970 - persuaded Government to drop plans for second runway, and to go for Maplin instead.
GACC Campaign Office
2 Glovers Gate, Glovers Road, Charlwood, Surrey. RH6 0EP
Telephone: 01293 862821
© Copyright Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign