The Planning Inspectors (PINS) completed the public consultation on 27th August 2024. All our representations can read HERE.
PINS then prepared their recommendation and submitted this to the Secretary of State (SoS) for Transport on 27th November 2024. No-one sees this recommendation until the SoS makes their formal announcement of yes or no to the project which technically needs to be done by the 27th February 2025. The SoS issued questions to various stakeholders (eg Thames Water, Crawley Borough Council, Surrey County Council, Gatwick Airport and others) on 9th December 2024 for which they asked for answers by 23rd December 2024. The SoS has now asked all other Interested Parties (which includes any who registered at the beginning of the process in early 2024) to comment on those answers – see our response HERE.
Earlier in the hearings an Open Floor Session was held where members of the public could state their concerns about the development. We were delighted that as well as six of our local Members of Parliament speaking out against the project we were able to facilitate presentations supporting our case from, among others, Chris Packham (Naturalist & TV presenter) and Sir David King (former government Chief Scientific Advisor and head of the Climate Crisis Advisory Group). Both these presentations were positively covered in the local and national press. Link HERE for the ITV coverage
All the hearing sessions are recorded and can be viewed (either video or written record) via the PINS website. The Open Floor Hearings are in 3 parts.
GACC Campaign Office
2 Glovers Gate, Glovers Road, Charlwood, Surrey. RH6 0EP
Telephone: 01293 862821
© Copyright Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign